Building Mozilla Seamonkey 2.17 on NetBSD

Posted on May 22, 2013

Recently I’ve decided to use Mozilla Seamonkey as a default browser, because

  • It reminds me about that good-old-days;
  • I find it less bloated and slow, than today’s mainstream Firefox and Chromium (even if Seamonkey has its own mail client, irc client, and so on).

I am running NetBSD-current (6.99.19) on amd64. The build invoked with

$ cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/seamonkey
$ make install clean

went fine, however there was an issue on the installation stage:

===> Building binary package for seamonkey-2.17
=> Creating binary package /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All/seamonkey-2.17.tgz
pkg_create: can't stat 
pkg_create: can't stat 
pkg_create: lstat failed for file 
No such file or directory
*** Error code 2

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/www/seamonkey
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/www/seamonkey

Looks like it is not a pkgsrc issue, since, as Google search results have shown, the same occurs on GNU/Linux systems. To fix it, simply do

$ cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/seamonkey 
$ cp work/comm-release/mozilla/dist/xpi-stage/inspector/install.rdf \
$ cp -rv work/comm-release/mozilla/dist/xpi-stage/inspector/defaults/ \

And then invoke make install again.